Why do we dream? Most common dreams and their meanings

Many dreaming geniuses have heard or seen their future works. Others have seriously injured or killed a partner during the dream. The stage of life in which we live many stories under the cover of sleep has been of interest to mankind for thousands of years. What is the current state of scientific knowledge in this area? What do dreams really mean? Is it just about what we think whole day or does it have some deeper meaning you should know? Continue reading!

dream meanings

The content and purpose or meaning of dreams is not yet fully understood, although neurophysiologists have probably already found the main areas of the brain that are activated by dreams. But by far this does not mean that we can see, participate in, or influence foreign dreams, rather that dreaming about spiders just as we cannot read literal thoughts in wakeful persons. By sensing brain activity in the waking state, it is possible to predict the simple reactions manifested by predictable movements on the joystick of the slot machines, and therefore the scanning helmets are often used in clubs. We can’t do it with dreams in any way. From the reactions and sensing of the dreamer’s brain activity, we cannot guess in the least how the dream will continue and what it means, even though the science of dreams of snakes, oneirology, is still striving for it.

There is a project to teach our cortex to remember faces and then to scan their „image“ from the visual area of ​​the brain and averaging it. However, it is still a practically difficult to use attempt to use our imagination and visual memory, perhaps for the “unconscious” identification of the perpetrator of a crime. So far, it cannot replace an identifying portrait of police draftsmen, as created by the verbal description of witnesses.

Among other very famous dreams belong death dream meaning. Death in general does not mean anything negative. However, the meaning depends on the content. For example, if you dream of your own death, it means some kind of important transformation or change in your life. However, it may be both positive or negative. If you dream of death of a child, it means that you inner child is dying. That is, your energy, health, or spirit is getting worse.

Another very common dream is about cheating or infidelity. If infidelity has affected you and your relationship in the past, insecurity may still manifest in your dreams. But dreams are not predictions. If there are problems with your trust in your relationship, it doesn’t mean your partner is cheating on you, experts say. The reason this feeling exists in your life may be based on your job, your favorite hobby, your friends, your family – in short, something that makes you feel betrayed. In the end, this dream can also be positive. Experts say that your subconscious mind lets you know that something needs to be fixed. This dream can be alarming and yet symbolic. The experience of experts and sleep experts says that there are some doubts in your life about another person’s loyalty or secure relationship, most often emotional. Dreams are a state where you can face taboos or problems that we are not ready to face while awake.

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